(John's Home)

It had been obvious that the fireplace in Saltcoats’ main dining room had been reconstructed and made smaller in the past. It was being restored in July, 2011 and on 20th July the note above, dated 22nd December, 1927, was found inside a small medicine bottle buried in the stone.  Beside is an attempted transcript of the message but the text at the bottom is not clear and appears to have been ripped. It seems that the property was in the hands of the Darrells and Elizabeth A Darrell's name appears prominently but it seems the note was signed by someone with the initials HMD.

Fire Place

Built by mason S Deed Dec 22 1927

Suppose you will wonder who and how many have sat before this fireplace before you did.  Well wonder ________  I won't be able to tell you.

Suppose you didn't like it so that is why you pulled it down
But it pleased us (signed) HMD

Elizabeth A Darrell
Idua H Horn (Friend)
Gladys Darrell-White