Toronto - User Guide
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TV Usage & Remotes    Using the remote control with the LCD screen, press the top left green ‘On’ button, wait a few seconds, you will then be prompted to press the ‘Bell’ button and ‘Select’. Ignore the ‘Bell’ selection and press ‘Select’. You will now be able to choose the station you wish to watch.

Blinds' Battery Maintenance    To change blind remote battery, slide cover plate up and off.  Pop remote out from wall.  If it doesn’t come out easily, use screwdriver to remove surrounding casing.  Turn over remote and unscrew small black screw to allow removal of Lithium 2032 battery (size and shape of a dime).

To replace the bedroom remotes, slide remote out of stand and proceed as above.

Likely and hopefully you will not have to do this again, but if you find it necessary again in the living room, I believe that is a sign there is an electrical problem and we will deal with it as required.


DRYER CEILING VENT  Miele came by and found the problem. It was not the new units but as you will see in the photos, there is a vent in the ceiling of your laundry room and it needs to be cleaned periodically. You just pull it down and it is cleaned much in the same way you clean the filter on the dryer door. If you plan to ask Antonia to do this as part of her regular cleaning, she will require a step ladder as you have very high ceilings. The repair man could barely reach standing on a chair. I am sure you could reach if you choose do it yourself as you are taller. Once or twice a year would likely suffice.