Aon Junior Triathlon
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Sun010701.jpg (30109 bytes)Sun010703.jpg (52323 bytes)Sun010702.jpg (54725 bytes)Sunday, 1st July, 2001, Clearwater Bay, was the venue for one of the last junior triathlons before the summer heat become too punishing; still it was very hot that day! 
The athletes gather in water at the start of the race - about the coolest point at Clearwater.  It is a short swim 100m to transition area. Justin is first out of the water, but followed closely by Timmy.

Sun010799.jpg (55699 bytes)Sun010704.jpg (46821 bytes)The cycle is next, a 5k ride up to the Commissary turn-around.  Timmy makes it out on to the road first, followed by Justin.  Ricky is close behind them.  The three make it back to the transition area in the same order.

Sun010705.jpg (48381 bytes)Sun010706.jpg (39067 bytes)Sun010707.jpg (62187 bytes)And then the run, a short sprint out and back to the finish line.  Timmy is out first.  Seen here as they head out on the run are Justin, followed by Ricky, and then Dorian.



Sun010711.jpg (54108 bytes)Sun010710.jpg (40979 bytes)Sun010709.jpg (70670 bytes)Sun010708.jpg (71239 bytes)At the end, it is Timmy (first), Justin (second), Ricky (third) and Dorian (first in his age group).  Another very good performance by all.  So now a well deserved break, but keep fit because Chicago is just around the corner.


Sun010712.jpg (86821 bytes)Caitlin comes charging home after a stellar performance - she was obviously so fast that the cameraman missed her at other points!!





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