Botanical Gardens Race
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Jan270201.jpg (110263 bytes)Sunday, 27th January, 2002 at the Botanical Gardens, the first in the 2002 KPGM Series gets under way at 9:00am with the 10 and unders and the 11 to 12s doing a single lap of the two miles course.


Jan270205.jpg (98587 bytes)Jan270202.jpg (122520 bytes)Jan270204.jpg (125282 bytes)Jan270203.jpg (123819 bytes)The runners are next seen on South Shore Road.





Jan270206.jpg (130549 bytes)Jan270210.jpg (95458 bytes)Jan270209.jpg (199421 bytes)Jan270208.jpg (163443 bytes)Jan270207.jpg (165291 bytes)And at the finish.




Jan270211.jpg (112117 bytes)Jan270212.jpg (149755 bytes)Caitlin finishes with a burst, and a smile!